Kandharasana | Shoulder Pose

Kandharasana or Shoulder Pose is an easy practice for stretching the back, abdominal and waist especially. It is good for relieving these area’s problems. Procedure 1. Lie down on the back like shavasana. 2. Bend the knees and put the heels touching the buttocks. Now grasp the ankles with respective hands. 3. While inhaling, raise…

Tadasana | Mountain Pose

‘Tada’ means palm tree in sanskrit language. Tadasana or Mountain Pose is very similar to palm tree, also known as Urdhva Hastasana. It is very popular and one of the most easy yoga poses, which can be practiced by anyone without any problem. Tadasana is helpful for body stretching, making spine flexible and helps to…

Chakrasana | Wheel Pose

Chakra means wheal, in sanskrit. The body looks like wheel’s shape while doing Chakra Asana. This is also known as Urdhva-dhanur-asana, which means pose similar to ‘bow’. Urdhva means elevated or upright and Dhanur stands for bow. This way we may call it ‘Raised Bow Pose’. Procedure 1. Lie flat on the back comfortably like…

Halasana | Plow Pose

Hala is a sanskrit word, which means ‘plow’. Body looks like a plow while practicing Hala Asana. This posture is like an extension to Sarvangasana. Benefits of Halasana pose are numerous like sarnangasana. Procedure 1. Lie down on the back comfortably inhale through nostrils, joint both legs together and raise upwards slowly, till legs make…

Siddhasana | Adept Pose

Siddhasana or Adept Pose technique is one of the best for meditation. ‘Siddha’ is a sanskrit word which means ‘adept’ or ‘accomplished’, one who has attained the bliss. One who has awakened the kundalini power. The name of this asana signifies the attainment of complete peaceful mind. Procedure 1. Siddha asana is a seated posture….

Sarvangasana | Shoulderstand Pose

‘Sarvang’ is a Sanskrit word which means ‘all limbs’ or ‘complete body’. Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand Pose benefits the complete body. Procedure 1. Lie down on the back comfortably. Keep legs straight touching each other, palms facing downwards. 2. Inhale through nostrils, waist and hips should remain on the floor, start lifting both the legs slowly…

Shavasana | Corpse Pose

Shavasana or ‘Corpse Pose’ is normally practiced at the beginning and at the end of yoga session, because the purpose is to relax of the body completely including mind and spirit. This is excellent asana for reducing tiredness, stress and tension. Procedure 1. Lie down comfortably on the back, keep legs apart from each other….

Vajrasana | Diamond Pose

Vajrasana is a sanskrit word which has two parts, ‘vajra’ and ‘asana’. Vajra means ‘Thunderbolt’ or ‘Diamond’, therefore it is also called ‘Diamond Pose’. Procedure Vajrasana is an easy sitting posture. 1. Fold both the knees, keep them joint with each other and sit on the pit formed   by  the heels. 2. Keep the spine,…

Padmasana | Lotus Pose

Lotus Pose or Padmasana is widely practiced asana for meditation and kundalini awakening. In India all the yogies sit most of the time in Padmasana. In this pose the devine energy flows upwards from Muladhar to Sahasrara Chakra. Procedure 1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched straight in front. 2. Bend the right…