Markatasana | Monkey Pose

In sanskrit language, monkey is called as ‘markata’ and asana means posture. Therefore, Markat asana also called as ‘Monkey Pose’.
Mainly, markatasana is for strengthening the spine and improvement of spinal flexibility. This is very helpful yoga pose to cure sciatica. Also good for stomach problems like liver, spleen, kidney ailments.

How to do Markatasana ?

This is a very easy asana to practice and has three variants to gain all benefits. Markatasana images by Baba Ramdev will be helpful:

First Procedure (Variant-1): Easy level

1. First, lie down straight on your back, join toes and heel together. Breathe normally.
2. Now bend knees to place the heels closest to your buttocks.
3. Keep both feet resting on the floor.
4. Place both hands straight with palms upside, lying on floor and parallel to the shoulders.
5. Along with keeping your knees joint together, bend both knees to touch the ground on right side. (left knee will be above the right knee).
6. Keep the neck to the opposite (left) side as much as possible.
7. Remain in this position as long as it is comfortable.
8. Exhale to come back to starting point.
9. Repeat this process to the other (left) side with same steps.
10. Repeat this complete process 5-10 times according to your comfort level.

Markatasana image ramdev
Markatasana by Baba Ramdev

Second Procedure (Variant-2): Moderate level

In this variant of monkey pose all procedure is same except, both legs will remain apart while bending both sides, so as to touch one leg’s knee to the other leg’s heel.

1. Lie down on the back, keep both legs apart about a feet .
2. Now bend knees to place the heels close to buttocks.
Bend both the knees to the right, to touch the floor. The left knee should touch the right leg’s heel on the floor.
Keep the neck on the opposite side (left) as much comfortably possible.
Repeat this posture on the other side with same actions.

Third Procedure (Variant-3): Little harder level

1. Lie down straight and spread the hands parallel to the shoulder level, with palms facing up.
2. Inhale and raise the left leg up keeping straight, at 90-degree to the ground, then bend it to the right side of the body to touch the floor. Then touch or grip this left leg’s toe by right hand. Keep your neck at the left side.
Stay in this position for few seconds and come back to the normal lying posture.
Now repeat the same procedure with right leg. Raise the right leg straight upward making 90-degree with the floor. Bend it to the left side of your body to touch the floor. Now touch or grip this right leg’s toe by left hand. Keep your neck to the right side.
5. Repeat this posture of markatasana for two to three times both sides.

Markatasana Benefits

  • Bring improvement in intestines, relieves constipation and indigestion.
  • Relaxes stiffness of legs, back muscles.
  • Spine gets flexibility.
  • Relieves backache.
  • Useful in cervical spondylosis, slip disc, and sciatica.
  • Also useful in stomach pain, dysentery, and gastric problems.
  • Markatasana is for strengthening spine and to improve flexibility.


Try to keep the feet firmly with buttocks, keep toes and feet together.

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