Markatasana | Monkey Pose

In sanskrit language, monkey is called as ‘markata’ and asana means posture. Therefore, Markat asana also called as ‘Monkey Pose’. Mainly, markatasana is for strengthening the spine and improvement of spinal flexibility. This is very helpful yoga pose to cure sciatica. Also good for stomach problems like liver, spleen, kidney ailments. How to do Markatasana ?…

Makarasana | Crocodile Pose

Makara in Sanskrit means crocodile and is one of the easiest postures to cure back and knees problems. Slip disc and sciatica can also be  cured. This asana helps in de-stressing and relaxation like shavasana. It relaxes the muscles after fatigue or jogging sprint. It alleviates breathing troubles and cures problem like high blood pressure….

Bakasana | Crane Pose

Baka in Sanskrit language means crane which is a bird. This is a compact arm balance posture which gives a lot of patience to the tense person. It tones up, strengthen the abdominal organs and arms. Arm balances require patience, concentration, cheerful behavior and not huge strength. Process 1. Place the palms of both hands…

Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose

Bhujang in Sanskrit means ‘cobra’ resembles the ‘hooded snake’ and it is a cobra pose. It is one of the important postures in yoga. Spine get stretched to strengthen the arms and back. Heart, chest and many physical and psychological benefits are attained in this posture. Purna Bhujangasana This is a variant of bhujangasana. Following…

Garbhasana | Fetus Pose

Garbha means foetus in the womb. This posture gives complete relaxation. The speed of inhalation and exhalation get reduced in this pose. It is quite beneficial asana for the whole body. Mind of a man starts getting communion with the soul after the perfection of this posture. All inner organs get toned up in this…

Konasana | Angle Pose

Konasana or Angle Pose is also known as open angle or seated wide leg forward bends.  Kona means angle and asana means posture. Procedure 1. Stand up straight with keeping the distance of legs around two feet. 2. Inhale slowly to and turn body to the left bending at the waist to bring left hand…

Kandharasana | Shoulder Pose

Kandharasana or Shoulder Pose is an easy practice for stretching the back, abdominal and waist especially. It is good for relieving these area’s problems. Procedure 1. Lie down on the back like shavasana. 2. Bend the knees and put the heels touching the buttocks. Now grasp the ankles with respective hands. 3. While inhaling, raise…